CAPC's Monthly Newsletter
Every month CAPC sends out a free online newsletter. Keep up to date on what we're doing and our latest events. The newsletter also includes informative articles with great resources on how you can help prevent child abuse. It's quick and easy to sign up, just click on the link below. Here at CAPC we respect your privacy, we will never share your email, ever, that's our promise to you. And you can unsubscribe at any time.

Community Resource Phone Numbers - Amador County
Child Welfare Information Gateway – Preventing Child Abuse & Neglect
Suspected Child Abuse Reporting Form for Mandated Reporters
Hands and Words are not for Hurting
Darkness to Light – End Child Sexual Abuse
The Dangers of Marijuana Edibles
Operation Care - Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault/Human Trafficking.
How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children